
The Greek Myth of the Six Northern Zodiac Signs

Gemini - a pair of twins represents the Gemini Sign. Twin brothers Castor and Pollux were inseparable. They either had the same mom yet Pollux was immortal because he was son of Zeus, the sovereign of gods. Castor was no. He was son of a mortal. When Castor died, Pollux solicited his dad to let him be mortal as well, that direction he tin die abreast his sibling. Zeus did no absence his son to die so he made a deal. He will bring Pollux to life as long as Castor agrees to share his brothers mortality. While an sibling is alive, the additional will be die and vice versa. Zeus will likewise allow either brothers to cost small measures of period attach and so Castor coincided.

Cancer - a monster crab represents the Cancer Sign. In Mythology, Zeus had an business with the queen of Tiryns, Alcmene. This happening guide to the birth of Hercules. Hera, the wife of Zeus, was so furious about the entire affair that she did anything in her power to destroy the child of Zeus and Alcmene. Hercules was a powerful man and attempting to destroy him was not an easy task. In his twelve labours he encountered the nine-headed water serpent Hydra. Hera immediately sent a giant crab named Cancer, to help the water serpent destroy Hercules but they were not mate. Hercules smashed the crabs shell with his foot and killed the nine-headed water serpent.

The Greek Zodiac Signs were identified with groups of stars called Constellations. The stars would form an imaginary fashion in the sky, equitable favor an picture that would form while we played the puzzle game, Connect the Dots. The Greek Zodiac is composed of Northern and Southern Signs. The Northern Signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo. There is a Greek Myth behind every Sign. Here are some of the interesting Myths behind the 6 Northern Zodiac Signs:

Leo - a powerful lion represents the Leo Sign. The Myth begins with a strong and fierce lion named Nemean. Nemean wandered the land of Argolis and slew everything or anybody namely crossed his elapse. His claws were sharper than whichever deadly sword and his difficult skin was imperious apt metal, stone and wood. He was the 1st of Hercules twelve labours. Hercules managed to smother the lion to necrosis. Hercules skinned the beast with its own keen claws and accustomed it as a mighty mantle.

Aries - a Golden Ram represents the Aries Sign. The myth begins with two brother children, Phrixus and Helle. The children's mother, Nephele, dies and their father, King Athamas, remarried a woman named Ino. She was very envious of the kid and speedily arranged to obtain rid of them for agreeable. She scatter ailment through the harvests of the land, so that the crops would fail. The King saw the crops and could not understand why they had failed, so he sent two postmen to query the Gods for assist. Ino bribed the messengers in differentiating the King that his two kid, Phrixus and Helle, would have to be sacrificed in order for the gods to save the crops. Nephele was watching from the heavens and swiftly sent a golden ram to salvage her children and have the golden ram take them away to a far and secure location. The children quickly mounted the golden ram and Phrixus was saved but unfortunately Helle could not hold on much longer and fell into a body of water, which is still called Hellespont.

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Taurus - the Minotaur represents the Taurus Sign. In Myth, a male named Minos promised to martyrdom a smart white ox for the Lord Poseidon. Minos decides to kill different ox instead and cheats Poseidon into calculating that it was the beautiful white bull. Poseidon becomes quite upset and asks Venus to grab a spell onto Minos wife. The spell made Minos wife fall madly in love with the white bull. Minotaur became the offspring of both. Minotaur had the brain of a bull and the body of a man. Minotaur was very hazardous and had to be kept after one elaborate maze. Minotaur was fared babies and virgins. In mandate to save the children and maidens, a gallant prince named Theseus tied one end of the tether onto his waist and the other end to a tree. He then killed the Minotaur with a sword and found his way out of the labyrinth with the cord.

Virgo - represents the virgin goddess Artemis. In Greek Mythology, gods and peoples once lived together in harmony during the golden old. Unfortunately this ended, as the gods wanted to assume the role of superiority. Pandora unleashed a carton of malign monsters and all the gods fled from Earth. Pandora was the first woman fashioned at the gods. The goddess Artemis adored creature above world and had shared her wisdom about the gods with the humans but was forced to leave because of the malign demons.

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