
Three Little Birds Tweet by my Window

How do you get your personal Ping up and running? It is simple. First, you will need to sign up for your account on Ping. You have just completed the most grueling step of the entire process (I told you it was easy!) Joining your Ping to your Twitter is now just one click away!

So, gone are the days of struggling to share your favorite music with friends. Now you can discuss mad bass licks, soothing harmonies, or bone-chilling lyrics with the convenience you have always wanted. Pop on over to Ping now, and get tweeting!

You must know that song "Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley.

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iTune's innovative new social and music network is called Ping, and it can be connected to both iTunes and Twitter. Long gone are the days of tweeting about the song that you listened to on Pandora and Facebooked your best friend about immediately after you added your new found musical infatuation on your Myspace page. Now, the steps are simple. Sign into Ping and Tweet away about any song you desire from your iTunes play list, and do it all in one window! No more hassling to sign in to multiple sites or dealing with loads of open pages.

However, are you still listening to it in your regular, old, outdated iTunes window? You might as well be listening to birds tweeting outside your window. It is definitely time you got savvy and upgraded to the revolutionary iTunes social network dedicated solely to those with an ear for tunes. All of your music, friends, and thoughts can now be combined in one convenient spot.

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After you have successfully linked your Ping account to your Twitter, your friends will have wide-open ears. They will be waiting, listening for your next tweets, because they'll know that you are hooking them up with the hottest new music. When you like music or review a song, your friends will be able to listen to a clip of the song.

